I saw a YouTube video on how to send a letter or post card for 2 cents. I honestly didn’t believe it (or understand it) so I decided to test it out…

Apparently there is this law that says a private citizen can send another private citizen a letter for two cents as long as they put the following with no abbreviations and no zip code. This means you are using the government postal service to send something as opposed to United States Postal Service (which is separate from my understanding…I am still trying to fully understand to be honest).

To test it out, I sent my brother a post card and what do you know… ☺️it sent! I put:

First Class Non Domestic
     Without Prejudice
     bk.12 Statutes at Large
     Chapter 71 Section 23
     37th. Congress Session 111

For more information, please look watch “How To : Send A Letter In The US For $0.03” https://youtu.be/z9zwbJ-naX8

Kimberly Shaw’s blog post about this is also extremely informative: https://www.kimberlyshawgraphics.com/blog/my-2-cents/

The exact stamps I ordered: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007P726LM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

(the back of the stamps are not sticky so I had to tape the back of them)