Yelapa is a small fishing town located in Jalisco, Mexico. It’s two hours and forty minutes from Puerto Vallarta via road or an hour boat ride from Puerto Vallarta. If you don’t want to travel independently, I recommend to book a tour: Yelapa Waterfall & Majahuitas Snorkeling Tour from Puerto Vallarta. This is the tour I had gone on.

Yelapa is a small town with a population of 1,500 people.

There are two waterfalls in Yelapa.

Cathedral Falls- This waterfall is off the beaten path and the trail is 2.5 miles, where you cross a bridge. I personally did not go to this waterfall but I really liked Outside Vibe’s coverage of this waterfall and the trail.

Cola de Caballo (Horsetail Falls)- The second waterfall is more popular to tourists. Some people call this the “town’s waterfall”. This trail was maybe 20 minutes and not vigorous.

Photo from Boundless Road

I traveled to Yelapa in March and this was the water flow on that day. The waterfall is 82 feet and the water drops into a swimming hole.

I really loved seeing Yelapa’s nature, town, and animals. There were lots of locals selling their own handmade products on the trail I was on. I also loved seeing some of the artwork on the buildings including Winnie The Pooh.

Relax by the beach with a cocktail and have something to eat at Cafe Bahia. This was very relaxing.

‘Til next time…