I went to Zak Bagans’ haunted museum two years ago in July 2019. I absolutely loved it. It was way more extensive and informative than what I was imagining. I finally went for my second time in September 2021 but I am sad to say the quality has decreased completely. This is of course my own personal opinion and I hate to be a “Negative Nancy ” but the quality between then and now is like night and day.

The museum gets HOT. It is not entirely the museum’s fault because historical homes in Las Vegas don’t have our modern AC units. Dress LIGHT.

About the tour: You are met with a different tour guide every few rooms and they guide you into each exhibit. They explain about the history of key items, along with stories, and why they are haunted. The tour is two hours along.

What The Museum Still Has

There are still a lot of classic exhibits that are still included: Ed Gein’s Cauldron, Jack Kevorkian’s Assisted Suicide Bus, Peggy The Doll, the Dybbuk Box, the Lee Shirapo room, the Demon House stairs and dirt, and the Devil’s Rocking Chair. The museum also still has murder artifacts including Michael Jackson’s “death chair”, Ted Bundy’s disguise glasses, Sharon Tate’s wedding dress, and Charles Manson’s personal items.

Upgraded Experiences Now Available

You can now purchase their upgraded VIP (“RIP”) ticket for $79 per person compared to their $49 general admission ticket per person. They also offer a 10PM ghost hunting tour on Fridays and Saturdays called Late Night Flashlight Ghost Tour Experience ($199 per person).

The general admission attendees and the RIP attendees attend the same tour TOGETHER. If you have the upgraded ticket, you get more ACCESS to additional rooms but you do NOT get additional time at the museum to explore.

New Exhibits

There are additional exhibits that have been added to the museum for example, the Love Ranch bed where Lamar Odom overdosed, they have more movie antiques including the Chucky doll, and ghost busters props.

If you upgrade to the “RIP” ticket, you get access into the BASEMENT!

There are a few things that I was able to see 2 years ago with my general admission ticket that is currently NOT included UNLESS you purchase the upgraded “RIP” ticket including Bela Lugosi’s Mirror (located in the basement) and the Kansas City Robert Berdella room. Other rooms you get to see with the RIP ticket is the haunted doll closet and the hallway tunnel. About every other room, they will include something that only RIP members get to see so unless you are okay with waiting on the RIP attendees to finish with their extra room and enjoy waiting on your tour guide to continue the tour, you may want to consider upgrading your ticket. Keep in mind the cost to upgrade to the RIP tour is $79 per ticket, compared to the $49 general admission ticket.

My mom who hates anything spooky enjoyed the museum because it’s more historical based rather than a haunted house.

My Take On The Changes

Overall, during my 2021 experience, I would NOT recommend to go to the Haunted Museum again because the quality isn’t there like it was in 2019. I saw and heard from the guides way less, there is more waiting around for the RIP attendees, and a good portion of the tour was either self guided or explained via video. Even with the upgraded experience, I don’t think this two hour tour is worth the $79, let alone $49 for the general admission. Hopefully the museum steps up their quality and I am sad to say, I was not impressed with my recent visit to the museum. Fingers crossed for next time (if there is one).