Brigham Young’s house is located at 67 W 200 N, St. George, UT 84770. Brigham Young would spend time here during the winter in the 1870’s. He later built an office on the property, as well as added to the original construction of the house. After Young’s death, the property was home to Dr. Judd Gates, St. George’s first dentist.

In 1971, Brigham Young’s Winter Home and Office was listed as a historical site in the National Register of Historic Places in 1971.

I was able to tour the entire house for free because the home is taken care of and ran by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (nicknamed “mormons” or “the mormon church”).

It was so cool to go through this two story house. I was able to see the maid’s quarters, see the beautiful design, and way of living. A cool fact that I learned is that before the Word of Wisdom came out, when water was scarce, mormons, including Brigham Young, would drink alcohol because that was the only way to stay hydrated.

I personally did not have anything pre-booked before coming to the home. I just did a “walk up” and was offered a tour!