Houston Space Center is located about 30-45 minutes from downtown Houston and is located at 1601 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TX 77058. They are open daily starting at 10:00AM. Houston Space Center has a main building to explore their museum section, a theater, a food court, and most importantly, their tram tours.

Your general admission ticket will include ALL three tram tours. The tours really made my experience at the Space Center very special so it is not something I could skip. If you only have time to go on one tour and skip the main building of the Space Center, I would do it.

There are currently three tram tours at Space Center Houston: Red Tram Tour (George Abbey Rocket Park Tour), Blue Tram Tour (Astronaut Training Facility Tour, and the White Tram Tour (Apollo Mission Control Tour). I HIGHLY recommend to go to Houston Space Center as soon as they open and IMMEDIATLY reserve the tours you want to go on. The Apollo Mission Control Center books up VERY quickly and is on a first-come first-serve basis. You can reserve a tour by downloading their app or by going to guest services.

Pictured: the Original Apollo Control Center (White Tram Tour)

The Original Apollo Control Center should be everyone’s number one top priority because it is the most popular tour. You are able to go to the ORIGINAL Apollo Mission Control Center where they monitored and communicated the first moon landing, Apollo 11, in 1969.

Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins were the astronauts involved in Apollo 11. I was shocked to know the lack of technology they had back in 1969. We have more technology in a single photo on our smart phone than what they had to land the moon!

At George W.S. Abbey Rocket Park (Red Tram Tour) you will be able to See Saturn V. My favorite thing about his exhibit is not only do you get to see a rocket up-close-in-person but you also get to read about each of the Apollo missions along the walls.

When you go on the Astronaut Training Facility (Blue Tram Tour), you will be able to see how they train astronauts to go to outer space. I found out that your vision and taste changes you go into space so they train astronauts on how to prepare for that. Once the astronauts are in outer space, they have to exercise two hours a day to prevent any muscle loss. They don’t just train their astronauts physical but psychologically as well. Astronauts have to have a psychological evaluation before going to space.

Other than visiting the Original Apollo Mission Control Center, my favorite thing about the space center was taking the tram tour throughout the space center’s grounds. Houston Space Center is its own town and is massive. They have their own fire department, police department, and restaurants. Houston Space Center has 1,000+ acres and employs about 8,000 people. In the 1960s bikes were donated to the facility so people could commute building to building and employees still use them.

Houston Space Center is a wildlife preserve and is home to many animals.

Click here to find out more information about Houston’s Space Center and to purchase tickets!