Half Moon Cay or Little San Salvador Island is an island that is owed by Carnival in the Bahamas. If you can, try to disembark the ship as early as possible because the line to disembark gets PACKED . It takes longer to disembark because you have to tender onto the island (take a small boat to shore). This island is completely private to the cruise ship passengers so it’s very intimate and you don’t have to worry about security.

I highly underestimated how beautiful Half Moon Cay is. After you tender onto the island, you are right on the beach. There is no traveling required unless you have a tour booked.
The Island has a section for volleyball, a playground, a restaurant, and an area for water sports.

I loved Half Moon Cay so much I would rebook the cruise I went on just for this port. If you are thinking about booking a cruise with a stop to Half Moon Cay, do it! You will not regret it.