If there is something the year 2020 has taught me, it is I as a single person, do not control anything. I do not control anything. I do not control the world. I do not control the weather. I do not control people. I do not control people’s actions. This is exhausting and I waste a lot of energy going through this merry-go-round of “Why did this happen?” or “Why can’t this person do THIS instead of THIS? This person’s actions are so unhealthy.”

These books were major wake up calls, are rated 5 stars, and are worth re-reading.

“Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius

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“Meditations” is about getting to a neutral place by stop fighting nature and change.

“Universal nature has brought you nothing you can’t endure.” -Marcus Aurelius

“Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt” by Jentezen Franklin

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You let go by FORGIVING. This is a Christian based book. The title looks extremely cheesy and ridiculous but I promise you this book is powerful.

“Hold on to a grievance or hate as if your life depended on it, and I will show you emotional, spiritual and even physical decay.” -Jentezen Franklin

“Loving What Is” by Byron Katie

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This book is about removing our own stories with what is going on in the world. I have this book in digital copy and in audio book. I actually prefer the audio book because Katie talks with people who are struggling with their own judgments and stories. You get to hear the pain in people’s voices and hear how Katie dismantles a person’s belief system.

“When I argue with reality. I lose but only 100% of the time. How do I know the wind should blow? It’s blowing!” -Bryon Katie
“Who needs God when we have you?” -Bryon Katie

“Co-Dependent No More” by Melody Beattie

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“Worrying, obsessing, and controlling are illusions. They are tricks we play on ourselves.” -Melody Beattie

Co-Dependent No More is another faith based book so you can take with whatever applies to you. It’s focus is about dealing with alcoholics. While being dependent on an alcoholic doesn’t apply to my life, it can feel like it especially when I feel someone is doing something destructive. I have the physical copy of this book and the audio book, both are great!

“I Need Your Love. Is That True?” by Byron Katie

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“When with and without are equal, you notice both are good.” -Byron Katie

This book is about our conflicts with people and how we stop being dependent on someone else’s love and approval.