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Spooky Feature

Lee Sober Shapiro: An Investigation from Zak Bagans Haunted Museum

Lee Sober Shapiro: An Investigation from Zak Bagans Haunted Museum

*Last Updated February 9, 2021* I personally called The Haunted Museum to confirm the woman photograph’s name is Lee Sober Shapiro. When I went to Zak Bagan’s Haunted Museum last year, I was super creeped out by Lee Sober Shapiro’s exhibit/room. It consisted of four (or maybe three? I can’t remember the exact number) Polaroids photographs of a woman dying…

A Brief History of The Whaley House

A Brief History of The Whaley House

The Whaley House is located in San Diego, California. The Whaley House is a museum and state historical landmark. *There are a LOT of contradictions online about The Whaley House so I have included all the sources in hyperlinks. This blog post has a primary focus of the deaths of The Whaley House. Keep in mind there were several events…