*Last Updated February 9, 2021*
I personally called The Haunted Museum to confirm the woman photograph’s name is Lee Sober Shapiro.
When I went to Zak Bagan’s Haunted Museum last year, I was super creeped out by Lee Sober Shapiro’s exhibit/room. It consisted of four (or maybe three? I can’t remember the exact number) Polaroids photographs of a woman dying from hearing demons. The room also had a chair and a few static televisions to recreate the scene when she found dead.
This woman is a paranormal investigator. I immediately was suspicious about this story because I could not find ANYTHING valid about this person with the exception of a grave site and a obituary page – nothing about Lee’s career relating to the paranormal, any experiments, paranormal investigations, or her death.
I could only find one photo online of what is displayed in the exhibit. According to the museum, these photos were taken right before she died and as she was hearing demons through a device, she was withering away.
There are two Lee Shapiros – the first one, I could not find any new photos of and the second one – I could.
Lee Sober Shapiro and Lee Green Shapiro.
Sober and Green are their maiden names.
Lee Sober Shapiro

- No photos of Lee Sober have been found online with the exception of the photos from the museum
- Died at 63 years old in 2002 and was born in 1939 (location not mentioned)
- Her husband is James Robert Shapiro (son of Israel David Shapiro and Miriam Shapiro)
- She was buried in Finksburg, Maryland and according to FindAGrave, her parents are Julius Sober and Toby Adelberg Sober.
- There was a Lee Sober Shapiro who changed her name to Evelynne Cadmon in 2000 but I could not find anything on this new name nor was it mentioned in the obituary.

- It appears Lee has only lived in Maryland or that is where she spent the majority of her life.
- Had two children: S. Blair Korschun and Evan J. Shapiro
- Legacy.com posted her obituary and stated this was also “Published in Baltimore Sun from Oct. 19 to Oct. 20, 2002.”
- Her son, Evan J. Shapiro had two children Ezra Shapiro and Brees Shapiro (but these grandchildren are not listed in the obituary) – Source
- Her other child, S. Blair Korschun had two children Miranda Korschun and Drew Korschun
- Had two brothers Marty Calvin Sober and Eugene Sober
- Her granddaughter, Miranda Korschun made a blog post (as shown below) about her but there is nothing indicating this is the same person shown in the museum and nothing indicating her grandmother was a paranormal investigator. Miranda’s father must have been Blair Korschun.
Lee Green Shapiro

- A much older looking photo have been found of Lee Green on her obituary
- Died at 95 years old in 2018 due to complications from congestive heart failure. She was born in 1923 in London.
- Her husband is Moshe Shapiro who was born on Kiev, Russia, July 7, 1918 (son of Regina and Michael Shapiro). Her husband died at 93 years old in Carsbad, California on November 19, 2011. Source
- Lee married Moshe Shapiro in Paris in 1953 and lived in Israel until they migrated to Santa Cruz, California. When her husband retired, they moved to San Diego, CA.
- Towards the end of Moshe’s life, Moshe and Lee lived in La Costa Glen retirement facility in Carlsbad.
- Had one child and was a stay at home mom: Natalie
- Legacy.com posted her obituary and stated this was also “Published in San Diego Union-Tribune on Jul. 28, 2018.”
Given the different backgrounds and lives on these two Lee Shapiros, it’s clear it’s not possible both of these women are the same person.
If Lee Green Shapiro is the “real Lee” in the photos (and I believe she is), I still have a few unanswered questions…
Where is the evidence – or any reporting evidence that Lee died from hearing demons?
Where is any reporting that Lee was into any kind of paranormal investigations?
Why does the museum not have her name correct?
Update February 9, 2021: A reader reached out to me about a podcast called “Listener Stories: Vol 52” by “And That’s Why We Drink” (skip to 42:16). The hosts tried to research information about Lee Sober Shapiro and they couldn’t find anything either however, Miranda, Lee’s granddaughter, reached out to them. Miranda gives information on the “Baltimore Lee” – Lee Sober Shapiro, not the “Lee from Europe-who moved to California” – Lee Green Shapiro.
Miranda reached out to them saying she was Lee’s granddaughter, who knew nothing about her paranormal lifestyle. Miranda told them Lee was building professional equipment to contact spirits, was working with engineers, and writing her own formulas. Lee was not a sane person. Lee got into the occult, had a Satanic bible, and had been to the “seventh hell”. According to “Miranda”, the realtor was the one who gave Zak Bagans the information about Lee’s death and Zak bought Lee’s personal belongings on Ebay.
Miranda shares with the podcasters, Lee Sober Shapiro went to Juilliard for concert piano, and was less than sane, kidnapping her 10 year old son (Miranda’s dad) when Lee was younger and traveling around Europe and Egypt. Miranda’s dad/ Lee’s son had to be “kidnapped back from the U.S. Government”. Miranda was and is “only female descendant”, (at time of recorded podcast on February 1, 2021) and Miranda growing up was not allowed to know her grandmother. According to the email to the podcasters from Miranda, Miranda is a high school art teacher and had personally been in contact with Zak Bagans about her grandmother’s exhibit.
I am still skeptical of this story, mainly because there is no way to verify any of this information. If anyone has any information about this person, reach out to me on Instagram @whenyoureheree