Seven Magic Mountains are seven painted boulders totems, up to 35 feet high near Jean, Nevada.
Seven Magic Mountains is about 30 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. You can’t get to Seven Magic Mountains by directly staying on the I-15 (you would just drive past it). When you are on the I-15, past Sloan, you will have to get on South Las Vegas Boulevard.
If you are coming in from Jean, Nevada, you will have to stop by Terrible’s Hotel and Casino to get on the route and go down South Las Vegas Blvd.

It costs nothing to go – It’s free!
Seven Magic Mountains was created by Ugo Rondinone, a Switzerland born artist who is now based in New York City. The Seven Magic Mountains are produced by Art Production Fund, New York, and Nevada Museum of Art, Reno.

The best time to go
I just know from personal experience when not to go. Don’t go on a Saturday mid morning. It’s truly, horribly packed. I recommend to go during the weekdays and bonus point if you are able to go in the early morning.
Some facts…
It opened in 2016 and due to the popularity, the Seven Magic Mountains appear to be here to stay for the time being (or at least until the end of 2021)
It cost $3.5 million dollars to make, according to the Review Journal
Ugo Rondinone described Seven Magic Mountains merging pop art and land art together. By painting the totems in dayglo, it pops out immediately. It also brings together the desert and city lights.
Ugo said he hopes Seven Magic Mountains gives contrast and people extend their view to the surroundings and landscape of Las Vegas.
Ugo’s main motivation is that everyone has access to this sculpture on public ground and relate to color.
“Everyone can relate to colors and towers.” – Ugo Rondinone

I pulled all my information about Ugo’s motivation and other facts from his Nevada Art interview.